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Our contemplative circle, held the first Saturday of each month at HAMAKOM, is a sacred and serene space where we gather together to engage in deep introspection and mindfulness practices. It is communal in nature, and is designed to promote peace, self-awareness and spiritual growth by targeting the heart, spirit, emotion and body. We gain access to our inner landscape through meditation, chanting, study, gentle movement, breath and prayer.


Led by Rabbi Richard Camras, Hazzan Mimi Haselkorn and Valerie Edwards. 



Our next circles will be held on:

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2024 at 11:10am, Social Hall - Part of

    HAMAKOM's Rosh Hashanah 2nd Day Services MORE INFO

Saturday, October 5, 2024 at 10:45am PT, Classroom 303

Saturday, November 2, 2024 at 10:45am PT, Classroom 303

Saturday, December 7, 2024 at 10:45am PT, Classroom 303


In-person at HAMAKOM

7353 Valley Circle Blvd.

West Hills, CA 91304

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(2003; Mike Newell, Director; USA; 1 hr 57 mins; Drama; PG-13)

What happens when young women are trained to uphold and promote the very power structure that keeps them down? Institutional sexism in higher education


In 1953, Katherine Watson, a progressive, idealistic young art teacher, travels from California to New England to teach art history at the prestigious all-female Wellesley College, where she anticipates working with the smartest young women in the country and being able to make a difference in their lives. But while the school prides itself on its high standards of academic excellence, it quickly becomes clear to Miss Watson that the only grade that really counts at Wellesley is the one a husband gives his wife for her performance as a wife and mother. “I thought I was headed to a place that would turn out tomorrow’s leaders," she fumes, "not their wives!” When her plans for a more adventurous art curriculum are stymied by the college’s conservative Board, and her efforts to change her students’ perspectives are met with resistance and retaliation, Miss Watson must decide whether to give in…or keep fighting.


Watch the film on your own, then join us for the discussion, hosted by Valerie Edwards. This event is free and open to the community. For more information, click HERE

Thursday, September 26, 2024 at 7:00 PT

in person at:


7353 Valley Circle Blvd, West Hills, CA 91304


via ZOOM


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Wise Aging 3: Getting Good at Getting Older

This course in the Wise Aging series continues to expand our consciousness about aging. Rejecting the declinist view of aging in favor of a positive mindset of creativity, renewal and joy, we continue to explore the tools and techniques that are key to aging wisely, and to reframe our vision so as to see ourselves on the path to becoming wise elders. We will explore how to put what we've learned about wise aging more fully into practice, through topics that will include The Wisdom of Rituals; Impermanence; Cultivating Spiritual Qualities; Getting Ready to Let Go; and Moving Forward With Joy. The textbook recommended for this class is “Getting Good at Getting Older” by Richard Siegel and Rabbi Laura Geller. This course is free and without charge except for the cost of the textbook. It is not necessary to have taken any previous Wise Aging courses in order to attend this class.

Mondays - 6 sessions- from 2:30pm-4:30pm PT (5:30pm-7:30pm ET)

Nov 4, Nov 11, Nov 18, Dec 2, Dec 9, Dec 16, 2024 (tentative)

In-person at HAMAKOM Chapel Foyer Annex

7353 Valley Circle Blvd., West Hills CA 91304


Via ZOOM (link sent on registration)

Instructor: Valerie Edwards



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The Place for Films - Cinema Journey 2023-24 Evolution of Community Film Series presents


If a community has been destroyed, how can it be reborn?


In 1870 post-civil was Texas, former Confederate Captain Jefferson Kidd makes his living traveling from town to town, reading newspaper stories to local residents. Riding out from Wichita Falls, Kidd comes across a wrecked government wagon, with its black driver brutally lynched and its passenger, a young white girl speaking only Kiowa, terrified and hiding in the woods. Kidd learns that she was being taken, against her will, to live with relatives near San Antonio, but when he asks passing lawmen for help, they shrug off any responsibility for the girl. Instead, they order Kidd to take her to the Indian Agency representative at Red River, and Kidd - an itinerant traveler unaccustomed to caring for children - suddenly finds himself the child's de-facto guardian.


Watch the film on your own, then join us for the discussion, hosted by Valerie Edwards. This event is free and open to the community. For more information, click HERE

Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 7:00 pm PT

in person at:

HAMAKOM South Campus

6025 Valley Circle Blvd, Woodland Hills, CA 91367


via ZOOM

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This introductory course in the Wise Aging Series explores the later stage of life through topics that will include reflecting on our life stories, relating compassionately to our changing bodies, cultivating spiritual qualities that can sustain and uplift us, building nourishing relationships, and living with loss while finding light and purpose. We will draw on text study, discussion, meditation, journaling and other practices to help us live more mindfully, authentically, and joyfully. This course is free and without charge except for the cost of the textbook. It is not necessary to have taken any other Wise Aging courses in order to attend this class.

HYBRID course- 5 sessions, Mondays from 2:30pm-4:30pm PT (5:30pm-7:30pm ET)

Feb/26, Mar/4, Mar/11, Mar/18, Mar/25, 2024

In-person at HAMAKOM’s South Campus 

6025 Valley Circle Blvd.Woodland Hills, CA 91367


Via ZOOM (link sent on registration)

Instructor: Valerie Edwards

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This introductory course in the Wise Aging Series explores the later stage of life through topics that will include reflecting on our life stories, relating compassionately to our changing bodies, cultivating spiritual qualities that can sustain and uplift us, building nourishing relationships, and living with loss while finding light and purpose. We will draw on text study, discussion, meditation, journaling and other practices to help us live more mindfully, authentically, and joyfully. This course is free and without charge except for the cost of the textbook.

5 sessions, Mondays from 3-5pm
Nov/6, Nov/13, Nov/27, Dec/11, Dec/18/23
In-person at HAMAKOM’s South Campus
Conference Room A
6025 Valley Circle Blvd.
Woodland Hills, CA 91367
Instructor: Valerie Edwards

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What happens to a community if its members betray each other?


The women of a reclusive, rigidly patriarchal Mennonite community are grappling with systematic sexual assaults and violent abuse that the men in the colony have been perpetrating against them for years. Faced with the choice of continued silence or open defiance, the women must now decide how to respond, so they organize a referendum in which they will vote to either do nothing, stay and fight, or leave. 


Watch the film on your own, then join us for the discussion, hosted by Valerie Edwards. This event is free and open to the community. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024 at 7:00 pm PT

in person at:

HAMAKOM South Campus

6025 Valley Circle Blvd, Woodland Hills, CA 91367


via ZOOM

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Can a community heal and transform its members?


When Marcus Marakovich, a hotheaded minor-league assistant basketball coach, winds up in court after being fired for shoving the head coach into the stands and then getting arrested for drunk driving, the judge gives him a choice: 18 months in prison or 90 days of community service coaching a basketball team for people with intellectual disabilities.


Watch the film on your own, then join us for the discussion, hosted by Valerie Edwards. This event is free and open to the community. 

Thursday, January 18, 2024 at 7:00 pm PT

in person at:

HAMAKOM South Campus

6025 Valley Circle Blvd, Woodland Hills, CA 91367

and: via ZOOM

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What happens to a community when its members withhold their trust, creativity and love?

A young, energetic, upbeat television producer plunges into the challenge of reviving a struggling network morning show despite its terrible ratings, pitifully low budget, chaotic newsroom, pessimistic executives, and warring co-hosts.

Watch the film on your own, then join us for the discussion, hosted by Valerie Edwards. This event is free and open to the community. 

Thursday, September 28, 2023 at 7:00 pm

In person at HAMAKOM South Campus,

6025 Valley Circle Blvd, Woodland Hills, CA 91367

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